Cannabis Investors Await the Firing of Jeff Sessions

Jeff Siegel

Written By Jeff Siegel

Posted March 5, 2018

If the rumors are true, cannabis investors are about to make a fortune.

Word on the Hill is that Attorney General Jeff Sessions is getting ready to pack his bags.

President Trump, who has been very vocal about his frustration with Jeff Sessions, may soon be giving the attorney general his walking papers.

If this happens, you’re going to want to have three pot stocks in your portfolio.

I’ll tell you the names of those stocks in just a moment, but first, let me show you why you should own these stocks before Jeff Sessions gets his pink slip.

The Saber Rattling Backfired

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know Jeff Sessions hates cannabis.

And he hates the likelihood of legalization even more.

Especially since he knows that eventually, it’s going to happen.

But that hasn’t stopped him from trying to slow things down.

In fact, earlier this year, right after California legalized cannabis for recreational use, Jeff Sessions rescinded the guidelines that were put in place to protect states that had already legalized.

Cannabis stocks tanked on that announcement but came back strong the next day.


Because once Sessions rattled his saber, senators, representatives, governors, and mayors from all across the country fought back by introducing a ton of new legislation that will ultimately legalize cannabis.

His efforts resulted in a backlash that only strengthened the movement to end the prohibition of cannabis.

But that doesn’t mean the attorney general has slowed down.

The man who once said, “Good people don’t smoke marijuana,” has continued to create obstacles to legalization. But those days are about to come to an end. And whether you like Jeff Sessions or not, the bottom line is that once he’s gone, cannabis investors are going to clean up.

Time to Load Up

The truth is, the only thing that’s really deterring legalization on a federal level right now is Jeff Sessions.

But with Sessions out of the way, everything changes.

Especially for cannabis investors.

You see, up until now, most of the cannabis stocks that have made investors rich have been Canadian.

I’m talking about companies like Canopy Growth Corporation (TSX: WEED), Aphria, Inc. (TSX: APH), and OrganiGram Holdings (TSX-V: OGI).

In less than three years, these three companies have delivered gains in excess of 1,000%.

Much of this is the result of Canada preparing to legalize this summer.

U.S. cannabis stocks, however, haven’t done as well.

And that’s mostly because the chief law enforcement officer of the United States has gone out of his way to slow the pace of legalization.

Don’t get me wrong; we’ve still done very well with a number of U.S. cannabis stocks, too.

But the trigger that’s going to send these stocks to the moon will be the firing of Jeff Sessions.

And that, dear reader, is right around the corner.

So in anticipation of the inevitable, we are now loading up on a number of new U.S. cannabis stocks.

Buy These 3 Cannabis Stocks

Members of my Green Chip Stocks community have already been profiting from a number of U.S.-based cannabis stocks.

Some of those stocks are featured in this investment report that outlines the best cannabis stocks to own right now.

But there are three in particular that stand to deliver the biggest gains once Jeff Sessions is gone.

These are the companies that…

  • Have the most cannabis assets in the U.S.
  • Have early-mover advantages in states that have already legalized
  • Have war chests of capital that’ll allow them to topple the competition and expand rapidly

They are as follows:

  1. MariMed (OTCBB: MRMD) — Manages eight facilities, with five new facilities under development in two new markets: Massachusetts and Maryland.
  2. Liberty Health Sciences (OTCBB: LHSIF) — First-mover advantage in one of the most lucrative cannabis markets in the U.S.: Florida. Also has exposure in Arizona and is very well funded.
  3. Innovative Industrial Properties (NYSE: IIPR) — The only publicly traded cannabis REIT with exposure in New York, Maryland, and Arizona. Very well funded and operated by some of the biggest REIT players on Wall Street.

Mark my words…

Jeff Sessions’ time in the Trump administration is coming to an end. And when that day arrives, those three stocks are going to soar to new heights.

If you don’t believe me, check out my 77-page e-book, “A Beginner’s Guide to Cannabis Investing,” which details which stocks are the best to own as legalization takes hold across North America.

You can also watch this “Introduction to Cannabis Investing” video, which will give you a better understanding of why cannabis investors have been making so much money over the past few years.

Make no mistake: In less than five years, the federal prohibition on cannabis will be lifted.

And you want to have as much exposure to U.S. cannabis stocks as you can before that happens.

To a new way of life and a new generation of wealth…

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Jeff Siegel

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Jeff is the founder and managing editor of Green Chip Stocks. For more on Jeff, go to his editor’s page.

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